Thursday, July 30, 2009

entry 3.

In my opinion, the reason why students need to keep up to date with the news is that we need to get along with the world. We need to know what is happening so that we have a broader knowledge. This is a "pre-preparation" for us to find some jobs more easily when we grew older.

The best way to get news is, in my opinion, newspaper. It won't cost the earth for you to brought it, and the news they talk about is informative and interesting.However, chosing newspapers is also a form of technics.The more informative one, like the straits time, have relatively smaller handwriting and generally smaller headline.This type of newspaper is generally more informative and prime-based, compared to more "hot crispy news"based newpaper like the new-paper.

Beside newspaper, watching tv is also a way of getting news.However, we are easily distracted by other programms on tv when we watch it, the tv has a wider varity shows but not all of them is informative or educational, so as a result, in my opinion the best way of getting news is reading newspaper.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

e-learning blog entry2

first, we need to drink a lot of water, this may sounds ridiculous to you but studies shows that water can give your body the energy to strengthen your immune system.Beside water, garlic is another good food to prevent you from getting a cold.Theres a good recepie: sprinkle some black pepper and salt on the garlic, put it in the oven with 180 degrees for 10minutes, take it out and spread it on the bread!This may not be your favourite dish but it indeed prevent you from catching a cold, a recommandation by me to replace your breakfast to this.

Beside food and water, bring a bottle of hand santitaizer everywhere with you.This is to ensure that your hand is free of germs.Bring a mask if the place you are going is crowed.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

home-learning entry 1

1. What are your thoughts about home learning? Is it more effective than learning in school? In my opinion, home-learning is a convinient way to learn,study or/and discuss about our school work on the internet when there's an emergency incident.However, i find out that home learning is not as effective as school learning since some precedures on the internet is lengthy and distractable.For example, theres a lot of games on the internet itself which could distract me when i am doing the online learning.The qualities of our online submission may also be down since it is slow and tiring to type in all the words and numbers.

I think there is not a second more effective learning in school.School gives students for them to study, not like home or king albert park where the enviroment is for people to rest about.In conclusion,i think that home learning is only a temperary way of learning and it is not as effective as learning in school.