Thursday, September 3, 2009


1a The persona is frustrated and tired in the poem. In the first stanza, the poem used words and phrases like "end this weariness", "hate to hunt". The word hunt is also a metaphor, describing that the children is not willing to learning new things.While the phrase " end this weriness" describes that the persona spends lots of efforts into teaching but it seems that the persona is disappointed that he wants to end all this.The 3 phrase, " strained apart", "cannot start", "hate to hunt" is a sign of alliteration.This also shows that the writer is despaired about the unwillingness the students want to learn.Theres a pun in the second stanza, which is the word "sick" , this shows that the writer in a way, was "sick and tired" of the children, on the other hand, the writer is hurt by how unwilling is the children want to know new thing.

1b The writer use "choice of words" to describe his anger, for example, for the words “ends this weariness" shows that the persona is sick and tired of teaching.The phrase " i will not waste my soul" also shows that the person actually put in quite an amount of effort into teaching but his effort did not pay off. The writer also used alliteration to express his anger, for example in the 6th stanza, the writer used words that end with ll, which also have similar pronouciation.