Thursday, September 3, 2009


1a The persona is frustrated and tired in the poem. In the first stanza, the poem used words and phrases like "end this weariness", "hate to hunt". The word hunt is also a metaphor, describing that the children is not willing to learning new things.While the phrase " end this weriness" describes that the persona spends lots of efforts into teaching but it seems that the persona is disappointed that he wants to end all this.The 3 phrase, " strained apart", "cannot start", "hate to hunt" is a sign of alliteration.This also shows that the writer is despaired about the unwillingness the students want to learn.Theres a pun in the second stanza, which is the word "sick" , this shows that the writer in a way, was "sick and tired" of the children, on the other hand, the writer is hurt by how unwilling is the children want to know new thing.

1b The writer use "choice of words" to describe his anger, for example, for the words “ends this weariness" shows that the persona is sick and tired of teaching.The phrase " i will not waste my soul" also shows that the person actually put in quite an amount of effort into teaching but his effort did not pay off. The writer also used alliteration to express his anger, for example in the 6th stanza, the writer used words that end with ll, which also have similar pronouciation.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

artical review
Russian navy locates missing ship
This is a saga happened 3weeks ago when one of the vessel went missing after saying that a bunch of police came into the ship and beat them up. The ship "disappear" after that.

The Russian now stated that they have already located the missing ship and that the ship will be continuing their journey to France to finish their job. They also say that the ship is actually being hijacked by a group of pirates, they get into the ship by saying that their inflatable boat is faulty.

In my opinion, this saga clearly shows that our earth is still not a safe place, although we have more techonogy and our life is getting better and better, terrorism is still present in our daily life, we must stay alert every day to prevent terrorism to success. Although that singapore is a peaceful coutry in our mind, everything can change soon or later. Give a example of the 911 airplane crash. Unite-state is one of the strongest country with modern skyscraper, new techology. However, its still being attacked by the terrorist, who hikacked the plane and crashed it in to united-state's Twin Towers, which is an symbol of economy for USA.

In conclusion, i would like to raise concerns about if singaporeans are too complacent. We should stay alert and prepare for the attacking of terrorism.

fav food

Whats my favourate food?? Thats a hard choice, i need to choose between the irresistable aroma of fish-and chip and the tendered meat of the chiken chop. After a long time of thinking, i decided that my favourite food will be......chiken chop!
The chicken chop is basically a piece of fried or ovened chicken, that comes together with delicious gravies and cripsy potato chips. When i first eat it in primary 3, I was so impressed by the dish.
The cripsy skin of the chicken snaps before it melted in my mouth, the flavour of pepper and salt mixed with my saliva, forming an unusual "chicken-flavoured aroma" in which i have never taste before.
However, the best part still han't come yet. When the skin melts in my mouth, the tender, juciy chicken meat touches my taste bud, I immediately fell into the wonderland of the chicken chop, its silkened surface is so smooth that it slips and tumbles in my mouth. Its texture is so soft that when i bite into it, jucies splashed out.
Beside its taste, the chicken chop is also nice to look at. Its golden skin resembled the same color as the emperor's cloth in ancient china, giving it a feeling of luxury. Its gravity also make my mouth dripping since its color looks so appetising.
So, why are you waiting? Grab one and enter a world of dream!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

entry 3.

In my opinion, the reason why students need to keep up to date with the news is that we need to get along with the world. We need to know what is happening so that we have a broader knowledge. This is a "pre-preparation" for us to find some jobs more easily when we grew older.

The best way to get news is, in my opinion, newspaper. It won't cost the earth for you to brought it, and the news they talk about is informative and interesting.However, chosing newspapers is also a form of technics.The more informative one, like the straits time, have relatively smaller handwriting and generally smaller headline.This type of newspaper is generally more informative and prime-based, compared to more "hot crispy news"based newpaper like the new-paper.

Beside newspaper, watching tv is also a way of getting news.However, we are easily distracted by other programms on tv when we watch it, the tv has a wider varity shows but not all of them is informative or educational, so as a result, in my opinion the best way of getting news is reading newspaper.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

e-learning blog entry2

first, we need to drink a lot of water, this may sounds ridiculous to you but studies shows that water can give your body the energy to strengthen your immune system.Beside water, garlic is another good food to prevent you from getting a cold.Theres a good recepie: sprinkle some black pepper and salt on the garlic, put it in the oven with 180 degrees for 10minutes, take it out and spread it on the bread!This may not be your favourite dish but it indeed prevent you from catching a cold, a recommandation by me to replace your breakfast to this.

Beside food and water, bring a bottle of hand santitaizer everywhere with you.This is to ensure that your hand is free of germs.Bring a mask if the place you are going is crowed.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

home-learning entry 1

1. What are your thoughts about home learning? Is it more effective than learning in school? In my opinion, home-learning is a convinient way to learn,study or/and discuss about our school work on the internet when there's an emergency incident.However, i find out that home learning is not as effective as school learning since some precedures on the internet is lengthy and distractable.For example, theres a lot of games on the internet itself which could distract me when i am doing the online learning.The qualities of our online submission may also be down since it is slow and tiring to type in all the words and numbers.

I think there is not a second more effective learning in school.School gives students for them to study, not like home or king albert park where the enviroment is for people to rest about.In conclusion,i think that home learning is only a temperary way of learning and it is not as effective as learning in school.

Monday, June 29, 2009

e-learning day2

I am neither a crazy fan of poem nor detective storys, but Edgar Allan Poe really catches my attention.Born in America on January 19, 1809,Poe was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story and is considered the inventor of the detective-fiction genre.His detective story is fansinating and i could not stop reading them.This is ironic to me,since i hate detective stories more than any other story types.His poem and story seems to have an unique allurance that attract me to read on.He was born as Edgar Poe in Boston, Massachusetts; his parents died when he was young.This might be the reason why he writes so many detective and mysterious poem/story, in his poem A Dream Within A Dream, he describes the unreality and the imaginary life of his real life.It gives the reader a little fright since there is a sense of sadness and twisting in it. This is most likely because his parents died when he is young.His mind is twisted and thus he began to write poems of bizzare things like a dream in a dream.It was very ironic that such a good writer have a twisted mind!

Unfortunately,Poe passed away at a mere-age of 40.One generation of great poet and arthur had gone,what leaves behind, are classics like tales of mystery and The Haunted Palace

e-learning day1

A Dream Within A Dream by Edgar Allan Poe
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

In this poem,the sentence how they creepThrough my fingers to the deep is a personification.The phrases "they creep through my fingers to the deep" vividly shows that the object that he is holding can move on its own,however what he is relly moving is only sand but not something that can move on its own.

I really like this poem, this is because that it is filled with phlosiphy and make you wonder what the arthur is trying to tell you, what is the realy meaning of his poem, a dream within a dream, the plot is interesting,it gives you space to image and think what will happen after the poem and what is the moral of the poem. It is fascinating to read it since this is not unlike some other poem which only describes an object or event vividly, it is half-imaginary,but on the other hand, it also seemed to be real.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

blog prompt7

I am a doctor in india. I think it is dangerous of them to sell their organs, this can lead to infections of the body that can e fatal too! In my opinion, the best way to stop the illegal act is to raise fund and give it to the poors. This is mainly because that the poors sell their body organs to EARN money. So if they received money from the government, they will have wnough money money to make their living and thus they need not to sell their kidneys. I hope that this idea can work, thank you.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New ending of nothing but the truth~

Philip Malloy was being found out that he was telling many lies.
News was spreaded out like wind. While Phillip had become the nickname of lier and the exaggerer.
Phillp also don't enjoy his new school too. Teachers eyed him with doubtful expression and all his classmate refused to befriend him.

Phillip want some changes

Phillip: Mom , I want to tell you something.

Mom; What is it my dear?

Phillip: Well, Mom you see, this incident, I was lying.

Mom: What incident?

phillip: You see, the one of the Harrison High School

Mom: Oh my! How can you be lying! The news had already been spreaded and everybody thinks you are at the right!

Philip: Yeah, I know......but I don't even know the lyric of the whole song!

Mom: Oh my! so why are you lying?

Phillip: 'Cause I am so angry with Ms Narwin that I exaggerate the whole event.

Mom: SO you need to apologise to her.

Dad: Whats all the arguement about?

Mom: Ben, you know, Phillip is lying to us! He did not sing loudly during the moring assembly. He is just humming loudly and just trying to disturb the class.

Dad: Oh! So Phillip , you need to apologised to Ms NArwin, then.

Philip: No! Never, I have no face to meet Ms Narwin again. I made her being susbended.

Dad: You must apologised to her! It is you who made her being susbended by the school. If you do not confessed everything, Ms Narwin will bear all the shame. what do you think of that?


Sunday, February 1, 2009

blog prompt3

in my opinion, age matters quite much. If we are old, our joint will not worked so smoothly as before and we will not ran as fast as when we are young. It is like a car, when cars get old, it becomes more noisy and need a greater amount of fuel to get it moving. we are exactly the samr as the car. But we are also quite different from the car, for the car, it get dumped as it get old, we will only learn the experenice of it, and to this point, old is actually not a bad thing.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

blog prompt2

Good morning.Our group's invention, the focus, is a convinent, effecitive devices that can pull the student away from their day dream and to focus on their work. the focus is extremely light (20g)and small(only 5cm in length).When using the focus, the student need to tie the focus to their chines with a rubber stripes provided on the devices.The focus will then send a number of signals to their brain which will make the brain more focus on one thing while blocking the other signal off. We hope that this will help the atudent to get better result.

Monday, January 19, 2009

blog prompt2

speech:Good morning. I am the chairman of the Farmers' Cooperative in jiangsu. Today, I am going to talk about the hardship of the farmers in jiangsu.

Jiangsu is a popular city to the tourist, and thus many lands were taken back from the farmers in the recent years. Yes it does attract more tourist to the city, but do you know that the farmers have been suffered from extreme poverty? If you still don't know how the farmer suffered. Please go to their villge and find out more about it, don't you know that they are living in the small little house of theirs, getting the little amout of money from the goverment that can barely last them for teo weeks?

As a result my suggestion is to creat more job availiblity for them so that they can get more money and live a better life. This should not be hard as the amount of tourist coming to jiangsu is increasing by two-digit number every year, and adding a few more people to guard the cars should be reasonable.Also, the amount of money given to the farmer should also increased.This is because as the tourist increased ,the money government earned should also be increased.

In the end, I want to raise your awareness for the farmer, and care for them more.Thank you.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

My dream cca

My dream cca is actually, after all the choices i look, choir.Maybe you will laugh your heads off and start critising me for joining one of the most sissy CCA in the whole school. But I just don't feel it sissy, I think choir is a good way for me to relax and sing out loud, what is wrong with this? And also ,i find myself have a very high pitch which is good for singing,my friend often mistaken me for girl when I speak on the phone wilth them!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

my first week in HWA CHONG

oh!What a week in hwa chong.Being a new student in hwa chong, I need to deal with a lot of things which is new to me in hwa chong. For example, I need to write this blog every week as a weekly homework. I have never done a blogging as homework before! Lukily, both my teacher and my classmate are very friendly and I have made a few friends within these few days.
I hope I will get a good grade on my first test in hwachong.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

this is a school use blog~ this is the school use blog , so nobody should post any lame joke on it~